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November 2024 Health Tip

Mt. Zion Monthly Health Tips
*Mind, Body, Spirit* = Wellness
November 2024
November is National Family Caregivers Month
National Family Caregivers Month is the time of year when we acknowledge those who take care of their loved ones in their time of need. Family caregivers provide home care and assistance to family members with illness, injury or disability. Family caregivers are the everyday, overlooked heroes who provide enormous value to our community. Their services often make it possible for their loved ones to remain at home, instead of at a nursing home. It usually fills a gap that would otherwise be astronomically expensive, often requiring the liquidation of assets to pay for nursing home care.  
Family caregiving can be tough, and sometimes a thankless job. Home care responsibilities often leave caregivers overlooking their own health and well-being. They are always available for those who need them most, and they typically ask for nothing in return. These are some ways that we can honor and support our family caregivers:
A simple “thank you” can make a big difference. Though it might sound simple, these words mean the world to caregivers. Send a card to a family member who is the primary caregiver to mom or dad. Sadly, other family members unknowingly take the family caregiver for granted. Offer help with household chores, or by providing a meal; make a grocery run. Pray for the family caregivers. Ask God to give them the strength and health to be able to continue providing care in the home for their loved- ones.
Caregivers of Veterans can contact the VA Caregiver Support Line by calling 1-855-260-3274.
To find information on qualification for Medicaid:  https://www.medicaidplanningassistance.org

                               Praying for *Mind Body and Spiritual* Wellness to you,
                                                The Health and Wellness Ministry

October 2024 Health Tip

Mt. Zion Monthly Health Tips 

*Mind, Body, Spirit* = Wellness 

October 2024


October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month 


Cancer is a disease where certain cells in the body grow out of control. Except for skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common cancer in women in the United States. Although breast cancer is much more common in women, men also have breast tissue and can develop breast cancer. The exact cause of most types of breast cancer isn’t known. Researchers have found things that increase the risk of breast cancer including the use of hormones, our lifestyle, and things in the environment. It is not clear why some people who don’t have any risk factors get cancer, yet others with risk factors never do. Along with pink ribbon campaigns, Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a reminder to learn more about breast cancer. Keep in mind that early detection is important in the fight against breast cancer. The following are some suggestions:  
  • -Ask about breast cancer screening during your yearly physical. This typically includes a mammogram for women. Mathew Knowles is a cancer survivor and is working to raise awareness about breast cancer in men, and gene mutations. People with a strong family history of breast cancer can especially benefit from genetic testing. 

  • -Become familiar with your breast through breast self-exam. If there is a new change, a lump, a discharge, or something not typical in your breast, report it to your health care provider right away. 

  • -Drink alcohol in moderation. 

  • -Exercise most days of the week. 

  • -Limit menopausal hormone therapy – talk with your health care provider about the risk or hormone therapy. 

  • -Maintain a healthy weight, and a diet low in fat. 

Let us continue to pray for, support, and encourage those in treatment for cancer, their caregivers, and the survivors of breast cancer. 

Praying for *Mind, Body, and Spiritual wellness to you, 

Mt. Zion Health and Wellness Ministry 

September 2024 Health Tip

Mt. Zion Monthly Health Tips
*Mind, Body, Spirit* = Wellness
September 2024
September is Sickle Cell Disease Awareness Month and Healthy Aging Month
Sickle cell disease is a common inherited genetic disorder. To be born with sickle cell disease, a child has to inherit a copy of the sickle cell gene or trait from both parents. The disease is characterized by periodic episodes of pain called crisis that occur repeatedly throughout life. These episodes happen when sickled cells obstruct blood vessels. The resulting lack of oxygen to muscles organs causes pain and may cause organ failure. The degree of pain may range from a mild discomfort to a severe disabling pain for which the person needs treatment in a hospital.

Education about sickle cell disease is important to our community because it mostly affects people of color. Healthcare providers may inaccurately perceive patients suffering a crisis as drug-seekers and may doubt their severity of their pain. As a result, patients with SCD often experience longer wait times to see a doctor and to get pain medication when visiting the emergency department.  Also, the number of physicians trained to treat SCD patients, especially adult patients, is limited. The good news is that the CDC Foundation is implementing the Sickle Cell Data Collection (SCDC) program to collect health information about sickle cell disease and educate health professionals about it.
Healthy Aging Month is celebrated in September to promote healthy aging and to help people stay healthy as they age. We have talked about living longer, but healthier, and the ways to achieve that such as: More exercise, water as a primary source of hydration, more fresh fruits and vegetables, less fat and less sugar, and getting adequate sleep. I also want to stress fall prevention. A lot of people over the age of 60 take medications that may cause them to experience side effects such as dizziness when standing from a sitting position, predisposing them to falls. Also age-related loss of muscle mass, problems with balance and gait, hip, knee, and foot pain can also lead to falls. Always tell your doctor if you have fallen since your last checkup. A fall can alert your doctor to a new medical problem or issues with your medication. If you take care of your overall health, you have a better chance to live longer, but also healthier.
Praying for *Mind, Body and Spiritual* wellness to you,
 The Mt. Zion Health and Wellness Ministry

August 2024 Health Tip

Mt. Zion Monthly Health Tip
*Mind, Body, Spirit* = Wellness
August 2024
In August we celebrate National Wellness Month. It is a time to prioritize your self-care, reduce stress, and create healthier habits to be your best self.
Being healthy can mean different things to different people. To have a healthy life, we must maintain certain habits and routines that we follow each and every day. To stay healthy, we focus on our Mind, Body and Spiritual Wellness. A healthy life is like a puzzle that we put together. All the pieces are connected and when one piece is missing, the puzzle is not complete. This is what can cause our overall health to suffer.
Mind: Our mind is powerful, and we must keep our mental health strong. When we struggle emotionally, it can affect our health. Prayer is our first line of defense against depression and other mental health issues. However, if you continue to have feelings of depression, seeking professional help does not mean that we are any less spiritual or are not relying on God.
Body: Our bodies are miracles, and our Father in Heaven wants us to take  good care of them. We can be happier, more productive, and live longer when we are healthy. Four ways to achieve body wellness:
  1.  Increasing your water intake – making water your mains source of hydration
  2. Adding more fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet, along with less sugar and less salt.
  3. Get plenty of sleep (at least 7 hrs/night) and make adjustments for better sleep habits.
  4. Move! Takes walks every day; join a gym or yoga class, do exercises while watching TV.
Spirit: As Christians, our goal is to receive salvation by believing in Jesus Christ - that God sent Him to take our sins away. Just as keeping our mind and body strong, our spiritual wellness must be kept strong also. Make sure your prayer life is a major part of your day. God wants to hear our voices every day.
Praying for *Mind, Body, and Spiritual* Wellness to you,
Mt. Zion’s Health and Wellness Ministry

June 2024 Health Tip

Mt. Zion Monthly Health Tips
*Mind, Body, Spirit* = Wellness
June 2024
June is Recognized as Alzheimer's and Brain Awareness Month
Dementia is a general term for loss of memory that is severe enough to interfere with daily life.  Alzheimer's is the most common type of dementia.
The top signs of Alzheimer's disease include:
-Memory loss that disrupts daily life and problems completing activities of daily living.
- Challenges in planning or solving problems.
-Personality or behavior changes.
Minor changes in memory as person ages are considered normal. This includes misplacing reading glasses, or occasionally having difficulty finding the right word during a conversation. Alzheimer's develops over time, often over many years. Older adults, especially women who are experiencing symptoms of memory loss should discuss it with their health care provider. Cognitive testing can be administered to determine whether you are experiencing normal age-related forgetfulness or are developing dementia. Early evaluation is important as it can rule out other possible causes of memory loss. Currently there is no cure for Alzheimer's disease, but medication, and lifestyle changes can help manage symptoms and potentially slow the rate of decline.
Measures to improve your memory include: 
  • Challenging your mind by learning a new skill; do crossword puzzles; read daily.
  • Engage in physically active every day; physical activity raises blood flow to the brain. This might help keep your memory sharp.
  • Spend time with others. Social interaction helps ward off depression and stress – both of which can contribute to memory loss.
  • Getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep
  • Drinking plenty of water and eat nutrient dense foods.
Praying for *Mind, Body, and Spiritual* Wellness to you,
Mt. Zion’s Health and Wellness Ministry

May 2024 Health

The Mt. Zion Health and Wellness Ministry Health Tip 

Sunday May 5, 2024


May is recognized as National Mental Health Awareness Month to bring attention and raise awareness about issues involving mental health. This month we will focus on understanding what mental health is, reducing stigmas surrounding mental health, and learning how to manage it effectively. 


Mental health affects how we think, feel, and act. It involves our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. 


Here are a few ways to help with your mental health: 


-Exercise regularly: Even small amounts of exercise and moving your body in general can help to improve your overall health.


-Eat nutrient-dense meals and drink plenty of water


-Stay connected: Reach out to your family, friends, or church for support.


-Practice being grateful and focus on positivity-: Focus on thanking God and be specific on what you’re thankful and grateful for.


-Remember to get enough sleep and rest  


-Seek out professional help: If you experience severe symptoms contact a doctor or mental health professional 


Ultimately developing a strong connection and faith in God, as well as regular prayer, bible study and scripture reading is important with managing our mental health as believers.


Praying for Mind, Body and Spiritual Wellness to you, from the 

Mt. Zion Health and Wellness Ministry


If you have any questions or need further health and wellness support  


Contact: mtzionhealthwellness@gmail.com

April 2024 Health Tip

Mt. Zion Monthly Health Tips
*Mind, Body, Spirit* = Wellness
April 2024

                 April is designated as National Stress Awareness Month.
Stress management is vital to our overall health, and learning ways to deal with stress can go a long way in living a healthy and positive life. We all experience stress – but it may affect us in different ways such as:
Difficulty concentrating
Feelings of worry and fear
Muscle tension
Sweaty palms
Heart pounding
Irritability toward others
If you are overly stressed for a long period of time, it can put your health at risk.  A list of encouraging ways to respond to the stress in your life and keep your stress levels in check include:
•          Pray, and trust in God to calm our anxious hearts with his Spirit
•          Avoid drugs and alcohol, as this can create additional problems and                  
            increase the stress you are already experiencing
•          Try therapeutic massage and aromatherapy
•          Affirm what is right with your life instead of dwelling on what is wrong –
           know the difference between what you can and cannot change
•          Exercise – when you exercise, your body releases chemicals called
           endorphins which trigger a positive feeling in the body
Life often presents us with stressful situations, but we can learn to manage stress and live a healthy, happy life full of God’s blessings.
Praying for *MBS* Wellness to you,
Mt. Zion Health and Wellness Ministry

March 2024 Health Tip

Mt. Zion Monthly Health Tips
*Mind, Body, Spirit* = Wellness
March 2024
March is National Kidney Disease Awareness Month and National Nutrition Month
The kidneys are the body’s chemical factory. They filter waste from our body, balance minerals, help control red blood cell production and help keep our blood pressure in control. Over time, the kidneys can become damaged with little or no physical symptoms to warn you that your kidneys are in trouble. High blood pressure, diabetes, a family history of kidney failure and being over 60 are major risk factors for developing kidney disease. Early detection and treatment can slow or prevent the progression of kidney disease.
The following five steps are simple ways to protect your kidneys:
  1. Get Tested! Ask your doctor for an (ACR)albumin-to-creatinine urine test or a GFR blood test annually if you have diabetes, high blood pressure, have a family history of kidney failure, and/or are over age 60.
  2. Reduce the use of NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug). Over the counter pain medicines can harm the kidneys, especially if you already have CRI. NSAIDs include Motrin/Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Indomethacin. It is best to take Tylenol for pain.
  3. Control Blood Pressure and Diabetes. High blood pressure and diabetes are the leading causes of kidney disease and kidney failure. Take your medication as directed - every day. Managing high blood pressure and strict control of blood sugar levels can slow the progression of kidney disease.
  4. Drink plenty of water. Not only is hydration good for your kidneys, but also for your heart health. Hydration also helps your kidneys remove waste from your body.
  5. And in keeping the National Nutrition Month - Cut the Processed Foods. Processed foods can be significant sources of sodium, nitrates, and phosphates. Try to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, foods low in fat, and low in salt.
People living with kidney disease at any stage may not have as much protection against respiratory illness like the Flu, RSV and COVID-19, even if they are fully vaccinated. The National Kidney Foundation recommends following the same CDC guidelines for people who are not fully vaccinated, including always wearing a mask in public indoor spaces.
Praying for *Mind, Body, and Spiritual* Wellness to you,
 Mt. Zion Health and Wellness Ministry

February 2024 Health Tip

Mt. Zion Monthly Health Tips
*Mind, Body, Spirit* = Wellness
February 2024
February is Heart Health Awareness Month
Heart disease continues to be the leading cause of death for both men and women in the United States and is more prevalent in Black Americans than other ethnicities. Anyone can develop heart disease, but you are at higher risk if you have any of the following:
High cholesterol, uncontrolled high blood pressure, diabetes, if you are a smoker, if you are overweight, do not exercise at least 2 days per week, or if you typically eat a diet high in fat and sugar. The good news is that there is a lot you can do to prevent heart disease. 
Taking the following steps consistently can lower your risks for heart disease: 
  • Do not smoke. Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States.
  • Manage health conditions. Work with your health care team to manage conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol.
  • Make heart-healthy diet changes.  Eat foods low in fat, low in added sugar, and low in salt.  Try to eat more vegetables and fruit.
  • Stay active.  You can break up exercise into 10-minute blocks for a total of 30 minutes per day
  • Manage stress – According to an article in the AARP Bulletin, there are some possible psychological benefits of regularly attending worship services, including an increased ability to cope with stress. 
Taking control of our heart health is the first step to overall wellness! 
Praying for *Mind, Body, and Spiritual* Wellness to you,
The Mt. Zion Health and Wellness Ministry

January 2024 Health Tip

Mt. Zion Monthly Health Tip
*Mind, Body, Spirit* = Wellness
January 2024

We have all made “New Year’s Resolutions,” but how often do we make these resolutions just to have them fall by the wayside by February?  This year let’s propose to try something new!  Instead of “Resolutions,” let’s try to make “Life Goals.”   Studies show that it takes 21 days to create a habit and 90 days to create a lifestyle change.    
Suggestions for lifestyle Goals: 
Spiritual:  Strengthen our prayer life.  Pray over our lives daily and try to expand our time with God  to thank and praise him, to seek direction, and also to request the desires of our hearts. Remember 2024 is a new year for increased faith and abundant blessings!
Physical: Start an exercise routine.  It can be as simple as walking in place while we are watching our favorite television program.  Exercises can also be done while sitting in a chair!  When we exercise it releases a “natural high” called endorphins which can help with depression, anxiety, and pain.  Improve our dietary choices by eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, less added salt and sugar, and drinking water as our primary source of beverage.
Mental: We can all train our minds to react differently and positively to negative experiences.  Pray and ask for strength during times of grief or disappointment.  We can strive not to react to negativity by praying for the strength to walk away from an altercation rather than to argue or to prove a point.  When we as Christians take “the high road” and think before we speak, listen with an open mind, and silently pray before we react, we are letting our “light shine,” and those in the world will take notice.
Praying for *Mind, Body, and Spiritual* Wellness to you
The Mt. Zion Health and Wellness Ministry
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