Prayer Plan

Pray for the guidance of Christ in all areas of our church life, including unity, fellowship, prayer, study, faithfulness, service, giving, and anything else you are led to pray for.
Focus on improving personal relationships. Pray for someone with whom you're having difficulties; pick someone with whom you are not very close and pray for them; pray for a friend, that your friendship would not only help the both of you, but would be a source of inspiration to others.
Focus on the outreach of the congregation. This woluld include praying for people to be reached through our efforts, as well as praying for the Lord to show you ways that we as a church (or you as an individual) can reach out to family, friends, strangers, or our community.
All Day Wednesday, make the decision to fast for the Lord. You may drink, but forego eating. During those times you would normally eat, spend in prayer or thoughtful consideration of God's will. If you get hungry, pray harder! This helps with personal dedication as well as submitting yourself totally to the Lord.
Pray for the financial condition of the church. Pray the Lord would bless us with the means to give more to His work. No matter what, pray for continued or renewed faithfulness to give sacrificially. Ask what the Lord would have you give, as well as the courage to have enough faith to go through with giving it.
Pray for the ability to witness for the Lord. This would include praying for individual opportunities to witness on a personal level, as a combined congregation, and as one part of God's kingdom. Ask for courage to accomplish the witnessing for God's glory!
"Spiritual Growth"
All of us should want to get closer to the Lord. As a congregation, the best way for that to happen is for each individual member to devote himself/herself to getting as close to the Lord as possible, then joining together in fellowship of Spirit. Pray for your spiritual growth, as well as the spiritual condition of the church, that all of us would do whatever is best for us to know God and understand Him and His Word on a personal level, then be able to communicate that with each other and to those outside our congregation.