May 2021 Health Tip

Mt. Zion Monthly Health Tips
*Mind, Body, Spirit* = Wellness
May 2021

March is National Stroke Awareness Month
The aim of National Stroke Awareness Month is to make Americans aware that they may be able to save the life of a person experiencing a stroke.

The National Stroke Awareness Month program places emphasis on making the public aware about Acting FAST.  

FAST is an acronym to help you remember what to look for in a suspected stroke victim:

  • F - Face / Does the face droop on one side when the person smiles?
  • A - Arm / After raising both arms, does one of the arms drift downwards?
  • S - Speech /After repeating a simple phrase, does the person's speech sound slurred or strange?
  • T - Time / If any or all of the above are observed call for 9-1-1 and ask for medical assistance.  According to the National Stroke Association, a person experiencing a stroke can survive if someone who knows the symptoms acts FAST
Anyone can help someone who is having a stroke.  You do not have to be a health care provider to save a life, and even a child can help.   No matter where you are - at home, at the store, at church, or at school, be aware if someone has the above symptoms and act FAST to help!

For more detailed information about strokes, please view the "Health Information" page under Ministries on Mt. Zion's website.

Praying for *MBS* Wellness to you, The Health and Wellness Ministry